Last spring USD 495 initiated our Strategic Planning process to establish the districts focus areas and goals for 2022-2027. The Board of Education invited key stakeholders to hel...
What is Skyward?
Skyward is our student information system. This is a place where we keep track of grades, attendance, demographic information and more. As you all know, this i...
Stop on Red, Kids Ahead is a campaign launched by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) to bring awareness to the Kansas school bus stop arm law.
As we begin the 202...
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year! My name is Denise Schmidt and I am the new Director for Tri-County Special Services Cooperative. This year begins my 20th year in education. ...
The USD 495 school supply lists are now available! Click on the school name below to view the list: Larned Elementary School Larned Middle School Larned High School If you h...
USD 495 has the following job opportunities available: Certified: High School Vocational Teacher Secondary Math 1/2 Time Music Teacher High School/Middle School AV/Communications...
USD #495 Parents As Teachers Program
As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. From the very beginning, you can shape your child’s future by provid...
USD 495 has the following job opportunities available:
High School Vocational Teacher Special Education Director Middle School/High School AV/Communications Teacher Secondary ...
Can you believe May is almost here? Here are the events currently scheduled at LES for the month of May. More details will be shared about specific events.
LMS Community Service Day Each fall, our LMS students and staff try to give back to the community by raking leaves and helping to clean up yards for elderly and disabled individu...
USD #495 Board of Education requests your presence.
You are cordially invited to a USD #495 Fort Larned School District two-part Long-Range Planning Session as the district work...
A group of our LES Ambassadors put together Tribe TV. Every week they work on creating content, filming interviews with that content, and editing to put it all together. We recent...
LES Book Fair
Every year Larned Elementary School participates in the Scholastic Book Fair. This is an easy and effective way to unite our school community and provide more b...
What is Showcase Night at LMS?
A few years ago, Larned Middle School started with our 8th grade class creating a slideshow that included past school work that they completed, p...